Tuesday 3 August 2010


On July 24th junkies gathered in the street and they looked pretty street out, as they went in & out of various closes shouting out Shuggy over and over. This was going on as another group gathered in my close, since the door lock never closes unless you use a key. It turns out the group in the close where in fact hiding from those in the street, who they had just ripped off. So I called the police, who later came and booted them all out and off they went. Much like they always do as they seem to be immune from the law, much like the rest of us. And since lotering is no longer a crime, complete strangers can not only gather in your close but also tell you itxs non of your business as to why they are there at all.
Well later on the same stressed out junkies came back, meeting up with others on the look out too score and the story infolded in the street for everyone to hear.

The girl looking for Gary & shaggy said, she gave an old guy Shuggy with xfunny eyesx the money, because Gary told her too do so. While she made a phone call to another dealer, Gary & shuggy shoot off in different directions with the cash, leaving her without her cash as well as the deal she was hoping they would score for her.

Shortly after this another guy, xout off his facex arrived talking really loud and said the same Gary stabbed him in the back, leaving him for dead while he was robbed of his mobile phone. He then began to list of a catalogue of crimes involving attacking some person 10 times with a knife. Like he was proud of it, as well as being in jail with other charges of attempted murder hanging over his head. All the while acting out his assault to those who could stand the sound of his junkie voice and confessions.

This all in plain view of the CCTV in a street that politics has long since forgotten. Played out in a street with insufficient street lights, where shit like this goes on daily. Like a bad play in a low budget community hall, where the audience have long since left, yet the performance never ends.

Well I wasnxt surprised to find the following day, needles lying around by a garbage bin and less surprised to find them still there today. Why should I or why should anyone be surprised. After all, this seems to be the street where the council dump their human waste.

Where criminals and junkies end up using & abusing those around them, while law abiding people end up hiding behind their curtains, wondering how this is allowed to happen year after year.

There are people in this street who bought their council homes and their now stuck with negative equity. Just like those who bought private homes and they all watch as the value of their homes plummet.

Not because the banks collapsed or how the government stole the peoples money and gave back too their banking masters bosses. Which makes it impossible to sell or even buy a starter home, let along stay in business for the lack of a banking loan.

But because this street has such a reputation, no one in their right mind would ever pay to move into. When normal people who buy a new home, do so, too get the fuck out off drug ridden streets. That are flourishing all over the west end.

And all because drug addicts who become violent criminals too feed their habit, are aloud to roam the streets, smacked out their face or full of Blues. Resulting in stabbings and robbing anyone and every one, junkies alike. Too feed their relentless habit. While the rest of us are left to think about whatxs lurking in the shadows or in your fucking close doorways. Even though the eye in the sky is watching, yet powerless to do anything.

The people need to stop voting on mass and send out the message we no longer want these people roaming the streets. While on tax payers methadone, looking to stab their way to their next fix, before the chemist opens up the next day and free drugs for all wasters before its back out robbing all over again.



dddoc blogs







Jacking up in the close


Knock.. Knock.. Whose there.. Another junkie.


Your kids their livers our hang over.


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